Page 4 - 1961 , Volume v.12 n.9 , Issue May-1961
P. 4

sents the time interval between like-
                                                                               polarity zero crossings of the input
                                                                               wave-form times the number of pe
                                                                               riods averaged.
                                                                                 Multiple-period-average measure
                                                                               ments also give an improvement in
                                                                               measuring accuracy in cases where a
                                                                               low-frequency sine wave signal is
                                                                               accompanied by noise. This occurs
                                                                               because the trigger error caused by
                                                                               noise is also divided by the number
                                                   DECADE DIVIDERS             of periods measured.
                        Fig. 6. Block diagram of counter circuit arrangement   RATIO MEASUREMENTS
                               for ratio and period measurements.                Ratio measurements are also made
                                                                               with the counter in the period or
            needed to provide the following  results in ample power gain for   multiple-period average function
            three functions:                  driving the associated Nixie® indi   modes. To make direct ratio meas
              (1) Storage: To achieve count in  cator tube.                    urements it is necessary only to apply
            formation storage, the photoconduc-   Fig. 5 is a picture of an -fip- deci   the frequency representing the ratio
            tive matrix is excited by 4 pairs of  mal counter assembly showing the   numerator to the external counted
            neon lamps. Each pair is connected   molded lamp block assembly, the   frequency connector at the rear of
            through transfer diodes to a count  readout display tube, and the asso   the instrument and the frequency
            ing flip-flop in such a manner that  ciated counting circuitry.    representing the ratio denominator
            one and only one lamp is on when                                   to the signal input jack. In this way,
            the transfer gate is closed. The lamp   MULTIPLE-PERIOD AVERAGE    the counter reads Ã-i/h X the period
            pairs thus act as storage elements for   With the function switch in one   multiplier factor as determined by
                                                                               the position of the function selector
            the information gathered by the  of the multiple-period average posi
            counting flip-flops.              tions, the gate circuitry is controlled   switch. Again, the accuracy is im
              (2) Decoding: Each lamp-pair  by the input signal and the count   proved directly as the number of
            with its associated photoconductive  frequency is the frequency of the   periods of fo averaged. The block
            segments acts as a multi-contact re  time base oscillator (100 kc for the   diagram of Fig. 6 shows the input
                                                                               arrangement for ratio measurements.
            lay equivalent to one branch of a  300 kc counters and 1 me for the 1.2
            relay-tree matrix. Thus the photo-   me counters). The number of peri
            conductive matrix provides 10 dis  ods to be averaged is determined
            tinct output connections from the  by the number of decade dividers
            four  bits  of  binary nformation  through  which he nput ignal
            stored in the lamp pairs.         passes before being sent to the gate
              (3) Amplification: The total re  control circuitry. The count dis
            sistance change in the matrix output   played on the readout then repre-
                                                                               Fig. 8. New arrangement of column-
                                                                               type readout is shorter vertically and
                                                                                          easier to read.
                                                                               DECADE DIVIDERS
                                                                                 The gate timing circuitry has been
                                                                               designed using digital decade divid
                                                                               ers capable of operating over a wide
                                                                               frequency range.
                                                                                 Besides eliminating any need for
                                                                               time-base divider adjustment, these
                                 . 6  . 8  1 . 0  1 . 2  1 . 4  1 . 6  2 . 0  2 . 2  2 . 4  dividers improve the accuracy of
                                        FREQUENCY (MC)
                                                                               multiple-period average and ratio
            Fig. counter with sensitivity measured on new 1.2-megacycle counter compared with
            rated values. With some increase in drive counter measured to well above ratings.   measurements by several orders of
                Similar improved performance over ratings is exhibited by 300-kc counter.   magnitude.
                                           © Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
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